Sunday, June 13, 2010

Well, I have nothing of any real import to say today, just the same ol', same ol' rant and rave about the way things are in the world. About why people are so mislead about the true reality of our existence as human beings. We are so easily led astray from our true course and it makes me so angry. That there are groups of people who would exert control over those with less political power, to be used by them to achieve their nefarious plans disgusts me. We are such cool beings. We can do so many great and wonderful and beautiful things. But so much potential is lost, thrown away in favor of the System that controls us. We literally feed our jailers. It is crazy-making.

I ran into a few of those people today and came home feeling really frustrated and annoyed that people can be so blind.

But, it's no wonder. After reading yet another article about the jobless recovery today, I or anyone can see that disaster is right around the corner. I remember that this was one of the primary concerns in a book I read some years ago about the development of nano-technology. The researchers, during the infancy of this new technology, while excited about what it could mean for the world, finally started to discuss the impact on the economy and our cultural history of individuals working to make a living.

It looks as though the technology has hopped ahead of nano-tech and obliterated millions of jobs, not only here, but around the world, as machines take over more and more of the work that was once performed by human beings; the promise of nano-tech yet to be achieved.

In the book on nano-tech, the scientists reached a conclusion that the way of life would completely change, with most people able to live without working, while others would 'choose' to work in only a few areas of labor that could not be done by machines, entertainment, some food services, art of all kinds, basically for the pleasure of doing the work. Everything that was to be of a higher level of performance or creation would be the last physical function of humans. All other functions would be done by machines. It is a scary idea for anyone with a far-reaching vision. One could easiy imagine the slow, painful transition during the time of changes in our way of life. Anarchy is certainly easy to imagine in this situation.

People are terribly identified with their jobs. Without them, people feel like nothing. People who feel like nothing, become nothing. Things are not looking good at all right now. No not at all.

But, then again, if people could realize that they are capable of unimaginable creations, maybe that could just be the key to saving the lives of millions of people. They will have to rethink their lives and identities though, something that will be a painful transition, for sure.

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