Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day One

Well, I have finally caved and here it is. My blog. Everybody knows I like to talk and this is the best way to talk to a lot of people these days. It gives anyone who wants one a dais. I was kind of surprised to see some of the cautionary stuff in the terms of use. I guess there is another new world of which I’ve been fairly unaware. I do know people with blogs and I read theirs. I guess it kind of feels like a big commitment and put myself out there with my vulnerable little underbelly exposed.

But, hey, I ain’t getting any younger and I have a lot to say, so here we go.

Today, I have been working around my garden, but thinking about the oil spill. Of course, I had seen this coming many years ago and I’m certainly not surprised, but that doesn’t mean I’m not feeling regret, disappointment, anger, fear, etc. on the matter. They’ve now discovered that there are plumes under the water that we haven’t even seen yet. This is a disaster with far-reaching and long-acting impacts on many different aspects of the culture. Some of them will be good, like living with a smaller carbon footprint, some of them will be hard, like living on less money, but there will be good things as well. Even living on less money is a good thing, spiritually and emotionally. It will take us out of the pricey and addictive electronic technology that we can live better without.

I heard today that video game addicts have been seen to have the lungs of a 60 year-old smoker! What a world we have.

I may end up having to have several blogs, I see now. One for friends, with blah-blah in it, one political one and one philosophical one. But, for now, I'm lucky to have just the one as I stumble into the future of communication.

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